


What is possible?

Technology is an awesome tool for communication but only if you think about how it can best be employed to serve an educational end. My breadth of experience in a variety of technologically equipped classroom environments allows me to consider not only what is possible but also what is most appropriate for students’ learning needs. Communication is the end goal with technology being the tool for implementing best practice. With this clearly articulated principle, thinking about what is possible through technology becomes a multifaceted process that fires my imagination and engages my passion to create. On the following tabs in this section you will find evidence of how thinking about technology has directly influenced my teaching practice.

Music & Me I

Music and Me I

Music and Me is an excellent unit and project that takes students from the most fundamental level of Bloom’s Taxonomy right up into the higher order thinking skills. This unit is also a perfect example of how technology can enhance the delivery of a unit that is already firmly grounded in good teaching practice. Click on the picture in order to explore a presentation on exactly how this unit works and what benefits technology offers.

(click on the picture to start the video)

Music & Me II

Music & Me II

Now that you have seen how delivery of content through the appropriate application of technology can enhance student learning its now time to examine the results of this method. Attached to the image is an example music and me project. The student exemplifies the use of vocabulary, formal identification, and compelling story telling. These results would not be possible without the technological considerations implemented during this unit. To see the example please click on the image.

(click on the picture to see the content)



How can I make this happen?

Thinking about how to communicate through technology and putting those thoughts into practice demands and inquiring mind. Understanding a new piece of hardware, software, or learning a new coding language requires a drive to solve the problems that naturally arise when stretching your abilities to the limit. Inquiry leads to an understanding of the problem that might frame the solution in an entirely new way or lead to other issues that require additional investigation. Passion is the fuel behind my enquiry which leads me down pathways I never knew I would take, making life an awesome voyage of discovery. On the following tabs in this section you will find evidence of how Inquiry has lead me down some unexpected educational pathways.


Rosin Eating Zombies

(click on the picture to start the video)

Technology is not usually used to enhance a performance but it can be appropriately incorporated with a bit of inquiry. When the string orchestra at NJIS decided to perform Attack of the Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer Space we felt that the performance could be enhanced through a stop motion film that would emphasize this homage to 1960s horror movie music. Our goal of a stop motion film was a bit out of reach since no one had ever done one before. Through a bit of research a core group of students and I found some appropriate software and built simple sets. We spent several days after school filming and compiling the footage into a final product. Finally, at the performance the film was projected on a screen as the orchestra performed. Unfortunately the original sound recording is lost but the video still exists. Here the video is set to music provided by a professional orchestra but the presence of the original video still retains its power. To see how our use of technology through inquiry brought our performance to an entirely new level, please click on the picture.



      Sherry’s Mash-up – sherry

Click on the play button above to hear Sherry’s Mashup

      Kevin’s Mash-up

Click on the play button above to hear Kevin’s Mashup

An effective music curriculum is one that builds upon the skills learnt in previous years. During year nine students need to learn skills that will benefit them in grade ten when composition becomes the primary focus. One of the more complex compositional tasks to grasp is form but through inquiry I discovered that technology can be used to make it more accessible by removing notational and instrumental fluency from the equation. During this project students use the loop editing program “Garageband” to explore how music is constructed and how form can be used to structure a composition. They also get the opportunity to compose music in a modern way while making connections to influential and important popular music groups and icons which represents our core course material.

The final projects found here are from two different students that used the same program to compose drastically different works. Despite this fact they each create music with a solid formal structure. Many students have never composed before with a loop editor so at the beginning of our work I encourage the students to simply ‘play’ with the program. I know that Inquiry will lead students to create something uniquely theirs which will cause them to care about the assignment and its outcome. Click the play buttons to hear the finished product from two SWA students.




Am I saying what needs to be said?

Communication is at the core of education. I am constantly striving to communicate in more effective ways with each student I teach. Recent technological breakthroughs make teaching less about what the teacher knows and more about enabling students to find the information they need to achieve their educational goals. Teachers have become ‘little Googles’ helping students make sense of the information available to them and fostering the skills necessary to perform this crucial filtering task for themselves. When I observe students interacting with a technological resource I oftentimes discover new ways to clarify my own communication and enhance student learning. On the following tabs in this section you will find evidence of my own quest to communicate more clearly with all my students.

Music to the World

Music to the


(click on the picture to visit

Music to the World is an ever expanding project that is a major expression of how proper communication through technology can change education. Google Docs and Google Drive are a great way of getting information to students but it is the equivalent of handing them a file full of materials they will need without the explanation of how to use the resources. Music to the World not only explains the resources needed for coursework but also provides instruction on basic musical concepts and provides exercises to further refine musical skills. Music to the World is also intended for parents to better understand what their child is learning in the classroom and to help them keep track of their child’s assignments. As Music to the World grows I hope it will become a resource for other educators as well as a more collaborative effort. Please click on the picture to visit
